
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

At RCCG Pavilion of Redemption, the purpose of our mission is multi-faceted and rooted in our faith. Our overarching goals are:
  •       To Make Heaven: We believe in the eternal destination of every soul. Our mission endeavors to share the message of salvation, leading individuals to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • To Take as Many People with Us: We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by actively engaging in evangelism and discipleship. 
  • To Establish Souls in the Knowledge of the Word of God: We recognize the importance of spiritual growth and maturity. Through our missions, we strive to establish believers in the knowledge of God's Word, providing teaching, resources, and mentorship that will deepen their understanding and relationship with God.
  •      To Care for the Homeless and Needy: We are called to show compassion and provide practical assistance to those in need. Our mission includes initiatives to care for the homeless, offering shelter, food, and support to help restore dignity and bring hope to individuals experiencing homelessness.
  • To Feed the Poor and Help in Academic Life: We believe in addressing both physical and educational needs. Through our missions, we endeavor to provide food for the hungry, ensuring that basic needs are met. Additionally, we support academic endeavors, assisting individuals in their educational pursuits to create opportunities for a brighter future.

Missions UPDATE


In July 2022, our mission department embarked on a journey to Colombia. By the grace of God, we experienced significant success during our time there.
Five churches were established as a result of our efforts. Initially, four of these churches operated as house fellowships, but now they have secured venues for regular church services on Sundays and throughout the week.


One of the ongoing challenges we face in our mission work is the inability of the established churches in Colombia to pay their monthly rent. They are currently supported by churches in the USA.
We invite you to join us in supporting our mission by contributing towards the financial needs of these churches in Colombia. Your generosity will help sustain their ministry and enable them to reach even more lives with the love of Christ

Active Missionaries

Pastor Grace Okonrende

Pastor Grace, our Continental Evangelist in the Americas, has pioneered multiple RCCG churches worldwide.
She established the first RCCG parish in the Republic of Ireland and planted parishes in London, Nigeria, Romania, California, and Texas. Her dedication and vision have made a lasting impact across the globe. 

Pastor Omar

Pastor Omar, is a visionary leader within our church community, he has played a vital role in pioneering numerous churches worldwide. His remarkable impact spans across different regions, as he successfully contributed to the establishment of churches in various locations

Join the mission

We invite you to join us in supporting our mission by contributing towards the financial needs of these churches in Colombia. Your generosity will help sustain their ministry and enable them to reach even more lives with the love of Christ.

Together, we can make a lasting impact, fulfill our mission objectives, and bring transformation to communities both near and far.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.