Dying to Obey - Bro Chosen

Jan 22, 2023    Bro Chosen Okonrende

In this message, "Dying to Obey," Bro Chosen delves into the passage of Hebrews 5:7 where Jesus is seen praying to the Father to be saved from death. Jesus, as our example, fully embraced humanity while remaining fully God, and in doing so, learned obedience through the hardships He faced.

Through this message we learn the importance of interpreting the Bible with a spiritual understanding, particularly when it comes to Jesus' words. The willingness of early Christians to face physical death for the sake of their faith serves as a reminder that the physical world can harm the body, but not the soul, which is protected by belief in Jesus.

All individuals have unique roles in life, but the one thing that should be universal is embracing the life of Christ. The Bible states that those who obey Him will have eternal salvation. Suffering teaches obedience and that good men of God often go through it. They also remind us that Jesus said that in this world, we will have many troubles, but to be of good cheer as He has overcome the world.